
Installation as regular library

Install the latest release from PyPI:

$ pip install nexusadspy

To install the latest master branch commit of nexusadspy:

$ pip install -e

To install a specific commit, e.g. 97c41e9:

$ pip install -e

Installation for development

To install nexusadspy for local development you may want to create a virtual environment. Assuming you use Continuum Anaconda, create a new virtual environment as follows:

$ conda create --name nexusadspy python=3 -y

Activate the environment:

$ source activate nexusadspy

Install the requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Now install nexusadspy in development mode:

$ python develop

To run the tests, install these additional packages:

$ pip install -r requirements_test.txt

In case you are on Python 2.7, install the mock package:

$ pip install mock

Now run the tests:

$ py.test nexusadspy --flake8