Usage Examples

Set your developer username and password in the environment:


For convenience, place the above two lines in an environment file, e.g. nexusadspy.env:

# nexusadspy.env

And source this file as follows:

$ source nexusadspy.env

Sample API service query

Pick one of the Appnexus services to interact with off this list.

Here we will query the API for a list of all our advertisers and we will store temporarily our authentication token in a hidden file .appnexus_auth.json:

from nexusadspy import AppnexusClient
client = AppnexusClient('.appnexus_auth.json')
r = client.request('advertiser', 'GET')

To download data on just one of your advertisers, simply pass their ID in the request:

r = client.request('advertiser', 'GET', data={'id': 123456})

Internally, AppnexusClient creates one session object and reuses it upon retries. Ideally, you would want to close the session when you are done with your client instance:


To close the session automatically, use AppnexusClient as a context manager:

from nexusadspy import AppnexusClient
with AppnexusClient('.appnexus_auth.json') as client:
    r = client.request('advertiser', 'GET')

Sample reporting query

In the following example we set up an attributed_conversions report for the period starting on Oct 1, 2015 and ending on Nov 1, 2015 for the advertiser with ID 123456.

from nexusadspy import AppnexusReport

columns = ["datetime",

report_type = "attributed_conversions"

filters = [{"imp_type_id":{"operator":"!=","value": 6}}]

report = AppnexusReport(advertiser_ids=123456,

To trigger and download the report just run the get method on your report:

output_json = report.get()

In case you have pandas installed you can also request the report as a dataframe as follows:

output_df = report.get(format_='pandas')

Sample segments upload

In the following example, we upload a list of users to user segment my_segment_code using the batch segment upload service. We assume that the segment my_segment_code has already been created in the corresponding account. The respective users also need to be pixelled on AppNexus from your website before they can be added to segments.

from nexusadspy.segment import AppnexusSegmentsUploader

# List of five separators obtained from Appnexus support
my_separators_list = [':',';','^','~',',']

seg_code = "my_segment_code"
my_member_id = "1234"

members = [
    {"uid": "0123456789012345678", "timestamp": "1447952642"},
    {"uid": "9876543210987654321", "timestamp": "1447921128"},
    {"uid": "1122334455667788990", "timestamp": "1447914439"}

uploader = AppnexusSegmentsUploader(members, seg_code, my_spearators_list, my_member_id)

To trigger the upload, run upload() method on uploader:

upload_status = uploader.upload()